Saturday, June 14, 2008

What's new?

We are busy this weekend! Yesterday Jeremiah's work had a family dinner. It was a good time to get to know spouses and kids and fellowship with each other.

Today Sarah's boys are graduating high school so we are going to their house for a celebration. From there, we are on to another graduation party. Jeremiah's aunt and cousin are both graduating from college. They are having a big party at their house this evening. Jeremiah's mom and dad are driving over to this side of the state to join the celebration and will be staying overnight at our place. Tomorrow is Father's Day, but Jeremiah has to work. After church, we will be meeting my parents at a local park for a picnic. I hope the weather cooperates.

Speaking of the has been very rainy, cold and yucky this month. I hope that we get a nice summer, but it is possible it to be this way all season. My mom told me that the year I was born, it didn't get above 75 degrees all summer long. I will think positively though. A friend donated their above ground pool to our family and we hope that we will be able to set it up soon. We want it to be warm enough to use it!

Coming up at the end of the month is the church campout in the mountains. This is an annual event that we would go and camp for 3 nights. This year Jeremiah is working and we are only going for the day on Saturday. I didn't feel comfortable camping with Alex in the cold, damp weather. Jeremiah's family is coming though, and camping for one night. The following Sunday, if weather is cooperating, we WILL go camping, but at a lower elevation with more sun (hopefully). My good friends' employees (oil refinery) offer a recreation area for families to use for camping/picnics/parties. It is a very nice area that is completely gated and secure. You actually have to pass through a check point to get in, and be on the "guest list". They make you open your trunk, hood, and look under car with a mirror. It's more intense than going across the border! So we are praying for good weather that week so we can stay and camp there through the 4th of July.

We are not planning any big road trips this summer, with gas prices currently at $4.17 a gallon. We are thinking of driving to Spokane in July to visit family and friends. This is still in the plannig stage.

Having Alex here has been great. He is a happy baby and is doing really well. Check out the link to my public blog if you want to read more about him. We are going to be in tomorrow's local paper, along with Sarah's family. The reporter and photographer spent a lot of time with us last month and I hope that it is a good, informative story about the Medical Advocacy Team and Real Hope for Haiti.

So, we are busy, but good. Blessed.

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