Friday, March 12, 2010

Little girl's room


K. and our new addition, M. will be sharing a room. They are a little more than two years apart in age. K. is so excited about having a little sister. Although, with the info I have on M.'s sizes, she and K. are nearly the same size!

K. has a bunk bed in her room, and has M.'s bed (bottom bunk) all made and ready for her to come home. We got them matching sheets last month. What a deal; high quality, Laura Ashley sheet sets from Ross for $12.00 each! The best part, they match the paint color we painted the room perfectly!
It took me a month, but I finished painting the ceiling white and the walls a pale bubble gum pink color. Very cute. We did pick out a lime green as an accent wall, but when we got some of that paint on the wall it just did not look right together. Too bright. It is now gracing the wall of our future play room.

The girl's room is not huge, but has enough room for a little table and chair set, and some room to play. K.'s favorite things to do are draw, play with dolls and stuffed animals, and dress up.

A few things left to do before it's perfect:

  • Find some cute things to hang on the walls. Any ideas? I may be bold and try painting a few empty canvases we have.
  • Some cute matching bedspreads/quilts
  • A rug that is great at hiding dirt!
  • A new light fixture. They have a hanging light that had a chinese type lantern. It ripped when someone was having a fit and destroyed it. I took the lantern down, so now there is just a hanging light bulb. We need to make a trip to IKEA!


Anonymous said...

Framing some of K's drawings and hanging them on the wall is always fun - also, black and white photos of the two girls would be eyecatching. The nice thing about framed child's drawings is that you can change them as often as the child likes. I'm also big on maps or flags - we made A & D's bedroom curtains from the flags of Puerto Rico and Haiti.

Salzwedel Family said...

Looks great! I say go for painting the canvases. If you don't like them you can always find something else.

Kathy Cassel said...

Nice. Stencil their names on the wall?