Monday, July 9, 2007

Post Garage Sale Blues

I don't like garage sales. It's something about seeing all the things I have wasted money on over the years being sold to complete strangers for a buck. We did ok, made about $300, but if it weren't for "Crazy Jeremiah, everything must GO!" we may have made a bit more. I didn't want to give things away like he did, but he did get rid of a lot of clutter around the place. We brought the leftovers to my friend's house and we will have another garage sale at the end of summer.

Today I got my travel shots for Haiti. My arms are a bit sore but it's not too bad. The rest of the day was spent cleaning and I just got finished ordering the rest of the kids' homeschool curriculum for this fall. Tomorrow we are babysitting for a friend, and having a quiet day after that.

No passport yet.

God bless

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