Monday, April 28, 2008

Garage sale, not so much!

We had our MAT fundraiser garage sale on Saturday. It was not a huge sucess like Sarah and I hoped. But that's ok, I think it was good to get information out to the community. We handed out cards with our website and logo on it. I hope that some of our customers look online and learn more about MAT. We made about $216. And we got rid of stuff. We donated the rest of the stuff to a local charity.

Thank you to all that have donated for our plane tickets to Sacramento. With the garage sale we have just enough to cover them! Isn't that amazing how that works?

I met two of the kids that MAT is helping last night, Alfrelina and Shnider. They are both so cute! It is such a blessing to see more and more children getting help in the US.

We leave on Thursday morning for Sacramento. Keep Alex in your prayers!

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