Saturday, January 24, 2009

A little more information

An explaination of what is going on with Elijah. Thanks so much to D. who took the time to write to us and explain it all. I still haven't heard back from COTP's adoption coordinator, but probably because she doesn't have any news as of yet.

The archive of the adoption decree is not impossible to get but can take some time to get because it has to come from the archive office and they might not have the registry book yet. The Adoption decree is registred like a birth certificate in Cap-Haitien. It is registered in a book that will probably need to be brought to PAP to the archive office so they can issue the archive. The embassy has always accepted an "attestation" in the past which is just a verification of the signature on the Adoption decree. It is possible that they are requesting the archive instead of just the attestation because the adoption decree was issued in 2008 and now it is 2009. I gets complex! So, in other words it is not common that they ask for this but it is also not overly suprising. It will get done, but the wait is no fun at all :(

So I am trying to stay positive and remember that God can move mountains! Please continue praying and help me remember to not lose hope.

1 comment:

Wife to the Rockstar said...

Praying..... adoption is so hard!!!!!!