Monday, February 2, 2009

Waiting is the hardest part

I am feeling better from my cold. I had taken a lot of Airborne and EmergenC and thankfully the cold only lasted a few days. Also my wonderful husband has been holding down the fort here and allowing me to get a lot of rest. Do you think he feels guilty for being out of town while I was in the hospital? I did get a call from the doctor. I had my blood drawn at my appointment on Friday. My levels are still high, but getting better. The nurse said to eat low fat to allow my pancreas and liver to continue healing. I feel pretty good, but kind of weak still.

I have not heard any news today but did get the prayer chain for COTP. Please be praying for several of the kids' visa appointments and the paper for Elijah and two others waiting for their visas. I did get an email from the adoption coordinator. She said it would be best for Jeremiah to fly to CAP and stay with Elijah at COTP for a few days. That is going to be our plan.

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