Thursday, December 31, 2009

Remembering 2009

Reflections from 2009:
  • We started the year off by celebrating with family and friends.
  • S. turned one!
  • I fasted from the internet for a week.
  • I was hospitalized with pancreatitis and gallbladder problems, while my husband was out of town. Thankfully surgery fixed a lot of my problems and I healed quickly.
  • K. turned 6 in February.
  • We brought home our son E. from Haiti in March.
  • L. turned 12.
  • We traveled to visit family for Easter.
  • We experienced many firsts with E. and navigated out way though parenting an adopted toddler. Potty training, fungus, therapy, medical appointments, behavior issues, stress and fear, language barrier.
  • E. turned 3 in April.
  • We had family visit and went to stay with my sister.
  • We had fun at the zoo, the wildlife refuge, the pioneer farm, the beach, and many other places.
  • I began my weight loss journey.
  • Clepson came to stay with us for a while. He came here from Haiti to have surgery.
  • We went camping in Oregon with friends this summer.
  • Helped our church start an orphan/adoption ministry. It's still in the beginning phases!
  • J. and I got to spend time together without the kids for our anniversary. The kids all stayed with Grandma and Grandpa's house across the state.
  • The big kids went to public school after being home schooled for years.
  • E. had his adoption completely finalized on 9/9/09
  • C. turned 11 in September.
  • L. played soccer.
  • Went to a pro baseball game with the kids.
  • We went to a David Crowder Concert, tickets were a birthday gift to J.
  • My sister got married in November. There were many fun events leading up to the big day.
  • We decided to adopt another child with special needs.
  • My mom was diagnosed with cancer.
  • We had our home study updated.
  • We celebrated Thanksgiving with friends.
  • My mom had surgery and is doing well. Thank you Lord!
  • We had a wonderful Christmas with five children!
Wow, that was fun! We have done a lot this year. I am looking forward to the coming decade.

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